Workers Compensation

Contact Information

Georgia Locations

Phone: 706-863-9797

Fax: 706-860-7686

Alisha Bond ext 291

South Carolina Locations

Phone: 803-649-2250

Fax: 803-649-0543

Karen M ext 1415

  • We accept GA/SC claims for approved employees. We offer in-house EMG, MRI, physical therapy, and pain management. We have an in-house pharmacy for routine prescriptions. 

  • All patients must bring prior imaging on a CD to their initial appointment. Medical notes and reports can be sent to or faxed to 706-860-7686 for Georgia Locations and or faxed to 803-649-0543 for the South Carolina locations.

  • Please note: any MRIs from an open unit will most likely need to be reordered in a closed unit with a 1.5T or higher magnet. 

  • We do not accept Federal WC through the USDOL or claims from the following states: NY, CA, TX, FL, PA, OH, TN
  • We accept IMEs on a case by case basis